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We had the pleasure of working with the city of Mission, BC, on a brochure and custom lighting project for a community event celebrating the city's sense of community and togetherness.

The brochure features a stunning map design that guides attendees through the event, highlighting local small businesses and honouring first responders. In addition to the brochure, we designed 16 custom lights that were displayed downtown, each holding significant within the community, to add an extra touch of celebration and community pride.

Our team is honoured to have played a part in bringing the community together and celebrating the strength of Mission's spirit.



Tourism Mission

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Brochure Design

Service Breakdown

Designing the Shine Bright event brochure posed a unique challenge due to the desired recreation of the downtown strip in map form, which required ample vertical space. We found inspiration in old freeway maps that unfold vertically and incorporated a similar concept in our design. The brochure comprises three vertically stacked panels that fold in on themselves. The branding and event information are on the outer panels, while the inside panels are entirely dedicated to the illustrated map of 1st Avenue.

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Map Design

Service Breakdown

The map design in this brochure is a unique combination of layout and illustrations, providing visitors with a detailed guide to the event. The long vertical strip showcases each light display along the street from the west end to the east end, with accompanying descriptions that share the meaning and history behind each one. To enhance event participation, an interactive checklist is located on the back of the guide for attendees to check off each light they visit. This simple keepsake not only serves as a guide to the event, but also as a memorable reminder of the experience.

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Custom Sign Illustrations

Service Breakdown

Celebrating the community's values and identity, the custom light designs held significant meaning at the Shine Bright event. We designed 16 sign illustrations, each with a cohesive yet distinct style for easy reproduction by light installation designers. Additionally, we created illustrations of key buildings along the main strip, which were featured in the event map to help visitors navigate and discover the various lights as they walked up First Ave.

A friendly and personal service that delivered on time and created professional print publications for us. The constant updates and check-ins, plus we trust that you understand our product well enough to create something that aligns with our brand.

Clare Seeley

Manager of Tourism for the City of Mission

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